Shocking Twist in 'Presumed Innocent' Finale Raises Eyebrows

Shocking Twist in 'Presumed Innocent' Finale Raises Eyebrows
Elara Whitmore / Jul, 25 2024 / Entertainment

'Presumed Innocent' Shocker: A Twist Even Fans Didn't See Coming

The Apple TV+ series 'Presumed Innocent' has kept viewers on the edge of their seats throughout its first season, culminating in a finale that many would describe as shocking, though some might say it bordered on the absurd. The series, which is based on the original novel by Scott Turow and was previously adapted into a film in 1990, had fans eagerly awaiting the resolution of the murder case involving prosecutor Rusty Sabich and his mistress, Carolyn Polhemus.

Rusty Sabich, portrayed by the ever-charismatic Jake Gyllenhaal, stands accused of murdering Carolyn, a crime that sets off a whirlwind of courtroom drama and personal conflict. The series' tension reaches a boiling point in the season finale, where Rusty is finally acquitted. The big question remaining, however, is the fate of the real murderer. In a fashion true to crime dramas, the show keeps viewers guessing until the very last minute.

An Unexpected Confession

In the series' final moments, Rusty confronts his wife Barbara, played by the talented Ruth Negga. The confrontation is intense and mirrors the climax of both the original novel and the film adaptation, leading viewers to suspect Barbara might be the true culprit behind Carolyn's death. Just when it seems the mystery is about to be resolved, the show takes an unexpected turn.

Enter Jaden, Rusty and Barbara's daughter, portrayed by Chase Infiniti. Jaden interrupts the heated exchange between her parents with a confession that surprises not only her family but the entire viewership. It is Jaden who reveals herself as the murderer, having gone to confront Carolyn about her affair with Rusty and her pregnancy. The confrontation spiraled out of control, leading to Carolyn's death by a fireplace poker. This revelation was a shocking twist that no one saw coming, adding a complex layer to the narrative.

Character Development Under Scrutiny

While the twist was undeniably surprising, it has sparked a fair amount of criticism. One of the primary points of contention is the show's handling of character development, particularly with Carolyn Polhemus. Throughout the series, Carolyn is presented more as a plot device rather than a fully fleshed-out character. Her development is minimal, relying heavily on the premise of her affair with Rusty and her resulting pregnancy to drive the plot forward. This lack of depth makes the final twist less impactful for some viewers, as Carolyn's character never reaches a point where audiences can truly connect with her.

Besides Carolyn, other characters also suffer from underdevelopment. The series introduces several potential suspects, each with their own motives, but fails to explore these avenues thoroughly. The quick dismissal of these suspects leaves many questions unanswered and diminishes the credibility of the narrative. Viewers are left wondering if the story was wrapped up too hastily, sacrificing coherence for the sake of a dramatic ending.

The Dilemma of Twists and Turns

The use of a major twist as a narrative device is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can revitalize a story, offering a fresh perspective and keeping the audience engaged. On the other hand, if not executed well, it can feel contrived, leaving viewers dissatisfied with the overall arc. This is the dilemma that 'Presumed Innocent' faces. Jaden's confession is dramatic and unexpected, yet it also raises questions about the show's approach to storytelling.

Jaden's character, much like Carolyn's, gets limited development throughout the series. Her motives and emotional state are not sufficiently explored, making her sudden revelation somewhat jarring. While the twist adds shock value, it could have been more effective if Jaden had been given a more prominent role earlier on. This would provide viewers with the necessary context to understand and empathize with her actions.

A Mixed Reception

The finale of 'Presumed Innocent' has undoubtedly left a mark. Critics, fans, and casual viewers alike are divided in their opinions. Some praise the show for its bold choices and thrilling narrative, while others critique its shortcomings in character development and plot coherence. 

Looking forward, the series has a lot to address if it hopes to retain and grow its audience. There is potential for redemption in future seasons, where characters can be more fully developed and subplots more meticulously explored. The closure of season one offers a foundation upon which the creators can build a more robust and compelling narrative.


The 'Presumed Innocent' finale may have shocked its audience, but it also highlighted several areas needing improvement. The twist involving Jaden's confession might have been unexpected, but it also served as a reminder of the importance of well-rounded character development and coherent storytelling. As the series prepares for its next season, there is much anticipation and speculation about how it will evolve and whether it can address the criticisms while continuing to surprise and entertain its viewers.