State Pushes for Revocation of Bail for ANC MP Sibusiso Kula Amid Witness Interference Claims in Murder Case

State Pushes for Revocation of Bail for ANC MP Sibusiso Kula Amid Witness Interference Claims in Murder Case
Elara Whitmore / May, 23 2024 / Crime

State Seeks Revocation of Bail for ANC MP Sibusiso Kula Over Witness Interference

The North West High Court in Klerksdorp is currently deliberating on a crucial application that seeks to revoke the bail of Sibusiso Kula, a Member of Parliament for the African National Congress (ANC), accused of the murder of his wife, Jennifer Motlhomi. Kula, who is also facing multiple other charges, had secured his release on a R50,000 bail in an appeal against the Orkney Magistrates’ Court's initial decision to deny him bail.

The State's argument centers around the allegation that Kula has flagrantly violated the strict conditions imposed on his bail. These conditions were designed to prevent any interference with the ongoing investigation and to ensure that justice is duly served. According to the court order, Kula was instructed to surrender his passports, report to the police station twice daily, and avoid all contact with his children and witnesses. These measures were thought to be stringent enough to keep the proceedings on track and avoid any form of tampering or undue influence.

However, recent police reports suggest a troubling pattern of behavior that has prompted the State to take action. The reports indicate that Kula has reached out to witnesses involved in the case, allegedly attempting to persuade them to change their statements. Such actions, if proven true, would constitute a serious breach of his bail terms and potentially obstruct the course of justice. The gravitas of these allegations has led the State to push for the total revocation of Kula’s bail, an action that could see him returned to custody as the legal process continues.

The Arrest and Allegations

Kula was formally arrested on January 20, 2023, an event that marked the beginning of a high-profile criminal case that has captured national attention. He faces a comprehensive list of charges not limited to murder but also including defeating the ends of justice, contravention of the Domestic Violence Act, making false statements and affidavits, and conspiracy to commit murder. The case's genesis dates back to November 27, 2022, when Jennifer Motlhomi was found dead with a stab wound on her back, sending shockwaves through their community.

Investigations into Motlhomi’s death have been painstakingly thorough, seeking to unravel the circumstances that led to such a tragic end. The severity of the crime and the accompanying charges have made this case particularly notable, especially given Kula’s prominent position as a lawmaker. The legal battle thus far has seen several twists and turns, including Kula’s initial failed attempts to have the murder charges struck from the roll, showcasing the complexity and high stakes involved.

Bail Conditions and Alleged Breaches

The conditions tied to Kula’s bail were stringent by necessity. Faced with the potential for witness tampering, the courts imposed a detailed set of restrictions aimed at mitigating any such risks. The requirement for Kula to report to the police station twice daily was intended to closely monitor his movements. Forfeiting his passports sought to eliminate any risk of flight, and the instruction to avoid contact with his children and witnesses aimed to protect vulnerable parties and preserve the integrity of witness testimonies.

Despite these safeguards, the State's recent accusations point to alleged direct contact with witnesses, undermining the conditions set and posing significant questions about the measures’ efficacy. These reported interactions raise serious concerns about attempts to influence the case’s outcome improperly. The implications of such breaches are far-reaching, potentially affecting the reliability of witness statements and the overall administration of justice.

Court Proceedings and Potential Outcomes

The current court proceedings will determine whether the State's application to revoke Kula’s bail will be granted. This decision carries considerable weight, holding the potential to significantly impact the case’s trajectory. If the court finds Kula in breach of his bail conditions, he could be ordered back into custody, a move that would underscore the seriousness of maintaining the integrity of legal processes and upholding justice.

Forensic evidence, witness testimonies, and legal arguments will all play a crucial role in this phase of the proceedings. As the High Court evaluates the presented evidence and arguments from both the prosecution and the defense, the broader context of ensuring a fair trial free from undue interference will be at the forefront of considerations. The outcome of this deliberation will not only affect Kula’s immediate circumstances but also send a potent message about the judicial system’s intolerance for any form of obstruction or manipulation.

Public and Political Implications

The case of Sibusiso Kula also bears significant public and political implications. As an ANC MP, Kula's actions and the resultant legal saga have not only personal ramifications but also broader political consequences. The ANC, as the ruling party, finds itself under scrutiny regarding the conduct and accountability of its members. This case highlights the importance of transparency and ethical conduct within public office and the impact of individual actions on collective reputations.

The public's interest in this case is undoubtedly high, reflecting both a desire for justice for Jennifer Motlhomi and broader concerns about the integrity of those in positions of power. The judicial proceedings will thus be a focal point not just for legal professionals but also for the wider community, who are keenly observing the unfolding events and awaiting a resolution that upholds the principles of justice and fairness.


As the North West High Court continues its deliberations, the spotlight remains firmly on the case of Sibusiso Kula. The bid to revoke his bail underscores the gravity of the allegations and the imperative for a robust legal response to any breaches of court-imposed conditions. The unfolding case serves as a stark reminder of the essential balance between granting bail and safeguarding the judicial process from any untoward influences. With the potential for far-reaching ramifications, the case remains a critical point of interest for legal experts, political analysts, and the public alike.